Une nuit entière

When the dancers and choreographers Tatiana Julien and Anna Gaïotti first performed together at the Silencio, David Lynch’s club in Paris, they immediately found artistic common ground and a sense of sorority. In 2022, their collaboration led to a new production, An Entire Night, that had its premiere at the Espace des Arts in Chalon-sur-Saône. CN D Magazine followed the duo as they embarked on the final rehearsals, with an audience surrounding them for the first time.

  • Year


  • Type

    Short film

  • Role

    • Scriptwriter
    • Director
  • Production

    Centre National de la Danse

  • Language


  • Duration


  • With

    • Anna Gaïotti
    • Tatiana Julien
  • Special Thanks

    • Espace des Arts
    • Laura Cappelle