Alexandre Humbert

Director / Conceptual Designer


Scriptwriter + Director
Production : Design Academy Eindhoven
In collaboration with Palais Het Loo (NL)

Design Academy Eindhoven invited Film designer Alexandre Humbert to create a film about the recent collaboration between Design Academy of Eindhoven and Paleis Het Loo. ROYAL is a short film that explores the Royalty subject from the perspectives of young designers within the context of two major Dutch institutions. It focuses on the influence of old traditional behavior with contemporary ways of thinking, living and creating. The film aims to contemplate what is or what should be Royal. Could student housing be perceived as a Palatial? Who then ordains you King or Queen of design. Could a student ordain himself Queen or King of design? What is then the role of a Design School in this context?


Directed by: Alexandre Humbert

Production: Design Academy Eindhoven

With: Edwin van Capelleveen, Lydia Halders, Zoë Jacobs, Tessa Spierings

Premiere: Dutch Design Week 2017